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Pendirian saya mudah dalam filem-filem Hollywood. Siapa jua pengarahnya, termasuk Roland Emmerich sekalipun. Rekod filem beliau dalam pendedahan simbol peristiwa 'letupan' WTC pada 11 September 2001 dan beberapa simbol Illuminati melalui beberapa filemnya sebelum peristiwa itu berlaku sudah cukup menambahkan keyakinan saya bagaimana kelicikan proksi-proksi Illuminati.

Filem-filem Emmerich juga seakan-akan sentiasa tidak lekang dari simbol "Piramid" yang menjadi simbol Illuminati.

Dalam filem 2012 pula, saya ingin berpesan, jangan anda memandang remeh setiap adegan dalam filem tersebut walaupun hanya beberapa detik dan beberapa saat atau yang mungkin disebut oleh orang ramai sebagai "alah, kebetulan je adegan macam itu..."
Saya belum melihat penuh filem tersebut. Jadi saya tidak mahu lagi ulas panjang. Tetapi trailer filem 2012 di Youtube sudah cukup menimbulkan beberapa persoalan dalam benak fikiran saya.
Saya belum melihat penuh filem tersebut. Jadi saya tidak mahu lagi ulas panjang. Tetapi trailer filem 2012 di Youtube sudah cukup menimbulkan beberapa persoalan dalam benak fikiran saya.
Pertama : Kapal JFK dan kemusnahan White House
Kedua : The One Place on Earth Not Destroyed in '2012'

"In Roland Emmerich's upcoming global demolition derby movie 2012, the director gets to indulge his passion for destroying landmarks on a world scale.
In previous movies, he's destroyed the Empire State Building and the White House (Independence Day), sent a giant monster into the middle of Manhattan (Godzilla), blown away the famous Hollywood sign and the Capitol Records building in Los Angeles (The Day After Tomorrow) and savaged New York again by flooding and then freezing it (also The Day After Tomorrow).
Emmerich said that he got approached by people who wanted their landmarks destroyed, such as the 101 Tower in Taipei, the world's tallest building. But Emmerich was thinking of something even more explosive: the Kaaba, the cube-shaped building at the heart of Mecca, the focus of prayers and the Islamic pilgrimage called the Hajj; it is one of Islam's holiest sites.
"Well, I wanted to do that, I have to admit," Emmerich says. "But my co-writer Harald said I will not have a fatwa on my head because of a movie. And he was right. ... We have to all ... in the Western world ... think about this. You can actually ... let ... Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with [an] Arab symbol, you would have ... a fatwa, and that sounds a little bit like what the state of this world is. So it's just something which I kind of didn't [think] was [an] important element, anyway, in the film, so I kind of left it out." - Sumber
Musuh bernama Illuminati sangat licik. "Illuminati believes by exposing their symbols it will expose their powers over everything." Sebab itu saya lebih suka untuk melihat apa yang tersirat dari kenyataan tersurat Remmerich di atas.
Namun saya pulangkan terlebih dahulu kepada pandangan pembaca atau penonton 2012.
Saya sudah pernah menulis mengenai Illuminati dalam Hollywood di sini dan membentangkan pandangan saya di kampus UIA PJ.
Lihat juga penguasaan mereka industri muzik dunia yang mereka kuasai dan apa yang mereka lakukan kepada Michael Jackson.
Konspirasi Illuminati Pada Michael Jackson dan artis-artis anti NWO
Tema "Yes We Can" Obama. Jika diterbalikkan suara akan menjadi "Thank You Satan". Ini antara slogan wajib para artis yang bernaung di bawah Illuminati. Jika mereka berpaling tadah, nasib seperti apa yang berlaku pada MJ akan berulang. Di sebalik kulit hitam MJ dan kulit hitam Obama, semua itu sudah pun berada dalam grand-design penyebaran pengaruh mereka. Saksikan juga temuramah dengan MJ dan apabila dia berkata "I don't wanna to say too much...conspiracy..."
Perancangan mereka sentiasa halus. Dengan sebelah mata, anda tidak akan nampak perencanaan mereka. Buka kedua belah mata, baru akan nampak hakikat sebenar. Sememangnya kerja mereka menutupi sebelah mata kita. Berhati-hatilah. Bacalah mereka dan perencanaan mereka, maka barulah umat dan pejuang Islam akan mampu mengatasi kebijaksanaan mereka.
Sumber: Ustaz Syaari
In previous movies, he's destroyed the Empire State Building and the White House (Independence Day), sent a giant monster into the middle of Manhattan (Godzilla), blown away the famous Hollywood sign and the Capitol Records building in Los Angeles (The Day After Tomorrow) and savaged New York again by flooding and then freezing it (also The Day After Tomorrow).
Emmerich said that he got approached by people who wanted their landmarks destroyed, such as the 101 Tower in Taipei, the world's tallest building. But Emmerich was thinking of something even more explosive: the Kaaba, the cube-shaped building at the heart of Mecca, the focus of prayers and the Islamic pilgrimage called the Hajj; it is one of Islam's holiest sites.
"Well, I wanted to do that, I have to admit," Emmerich says. "But my co-writer Harald said I will not have a fatwa on my head because of a movie. And he was right. ... We have to all ... in the Western world ... think about this. You can actually ... let ... Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with [an] Arab symbol, you would have ... a fatwa, and that sounds a little bit like what the state of this world is. So it's just something which I kind of didn't [think] was [an] important element, anyway, in the film, so I kind of left it out." - Sumber
Musuh bernama Illuminati sangat licik. "Illuminati believes by exposing their symbols it will expose their powers over everything." Sebab itu saya lebih suka untuk melihat apa yang tersirat dari kenyataan tersurat Remmerich di atas.
Namun saya pulangkan terlebih dahulu kepada pandangan pembaca atau penonton 2012.
Saya sudah pernah menulis mengenai Illuminati dalam Hollywood di sini dan membentangkan pandangan saya di kampus UIA PJ.
Lihat juga penguasaan mereka industri muzik dunia yang mereka kuasai dan apa yang mereka lakukan kepada Michael Jackson.
Konspirasi Illuminati Pada Michael Jackson dan artis-artis anti NWO
Tema "Yes We Can" Obama. Jika diterbalikkan suara akan menjadi "Thank You Satan". Ini antara slogan wajib para artis yang bernaung di bawah Illuminati. Jika mereka berpaling tadah, nasib seperti apa yang berlaku pada MJ akan berulang. Di sebalik kulit hitam MJ dan kulit hitam Obama, semua itu sudah pun berada dalam grand-design penyebaran pengaruh mereka. Saksikan juga temuramah dengan MJ dan apabila dia berkata "I don't wanna to say too much...conspiracy..."
Perancangan mereka sentiasa halus. Dengan sebelah mata, anda tidak akan nampak perencanaan mereka. Buka kedua belah mata, baru akan nampak hakikat sebenar. Sememangnya kerja mereka menutupi sebelah mata kita. Berhati-hatilah. Bacalah mereka dan perencanaan mereka, maka barulah umat dan pejuang Islam akan mampu mengatasi kebijaksanaan mereka.
Sumber: Ustaz Syaari
not only that..u can see from the lyrics of umbrella by rihanna...about 2012, the masonic and illuminati want to show to us that world will not end..and this film one of deception to control our minds..
ReplyDelete...coz these both of secret socities are setup as a foundations of antichrist..
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